Receiving Slack Events

Receiving Slack Interactivity Events via a Webhook

Any interactions with shortcuts, modals, or interactive components (such as buttons, select menus, and datepickers) will be sent to a URL you specify.

  1. Go to (opens in a new tab) and navigate to your app

  2. In the left-side panel, go to Interactivity & Shortcuts.

  3. Click the toggle to turn interactivity on.

Slack Interactivity

Scenario 1: Admyral API Server is reachable from the Internet

  1. In order to receive the events from Slack, you need to make Admyral publicly available. If you are running locally, you can install a tunneling agent, such as ngrok (opens in a new tab).

  2. If you installed ngrok, you can simply make the port on which Admyral is running locally, e.g., on port 8000, publicly available with the following command:

    ngrok http 8000

    It will return a forwarding URL.

  3. Next, follow the steps from Scenario 2 but replace with the forwarding URL from ngrok.

Scenario 2: Admyral API Server is reachable from the Internet

  1. Input the webhook URL, e.g., and append the webhook secret for authentication, i.e.,

of the workflow receiving the interactivity events.

  1. Click on Save Changes.