List Inactive Users

List Inactive Users

This method lists Retool users who have not logged in for a specified number of days. It helps identify users who are inactive and may no longer need access.

For more information on the Retool API, see Retool API Documentation (opens in a new tab).

SDK Import:

from admyral.actions import list_retool_inactive_users


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
Inactivity Threshold in Days inactivity_threshold_in_daysThe number of days since the last login after which a user is considered inactive. Default: 60Yes


A JSON array of JSON objects.

Required Secrets

Secret PlaceholderDescription
RETOOL_SECRETRetool secret. See Retool setup

SDK Example

inactive_users = list_retool_inactive_users(
	secrets={"RETOOL_SECRET": "my_stored_retool_secret"}