List Alerts

List Alerts

List alerts from Wiz with filtering options for time range, status, severity, and type. If no time range is provided, the alerts from the last 24 hours will be listed.

For more information on the Wiz API, see Wiz Documentation (opens in a new tab).

SDK Import:

from admyral.actions import virus_total_analyze_url


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
Start Time start_timeThe start time for the alerts to list. Must be in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).-
End Time end_timeThe end time for the alerts to list. Must be in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).-
Limit limitThe maximum number of alerts to list. Default: 1000Yes


A JSON array of alerts.

Required Secrets

Secret PlaceholderDescription
WIZ_SECRETWiz secret. See Wiz setup

SDK Example

alerts = list_wiz_alerts(
	secrets={"WIZ_SECRET": "my_stored_wiz_secret"}

Example Output:

		"id": "abc123",
		"control": {
			"id": "control1",
			"name": "Unencrypted S3 Bucket",
			"description": "This control checks for unencrypted S3 buckets.",
			"resolutionRecommendation": "Enable server-side encryption.",
			"securitySubCategories": [
					"title": "Encryption",
					"category": {
						"name": "Data Protection",
						"framework": {
							"name": "CIS"
		"createdAt": "2024-08-01T12:34:56Z",
		"updatedAt": "2024-08-01T13:00:00Z",
		"status": "OPEN",
		"severity": "HIGH",
		"project": {
			"id": "project1",
			"name": "Critical Infrastructure",
			"slug": "critical-infrastructure",
			"businessUnit": "Operations",
			"riskProfile": {
				"businessImpact": "HIGH"
		"entitySnapshot": {
			"id": "resource123",
			"type": "AWS::S3::Bucket",
			"name": "my-unencrypted-bucket",
			"cloudPlatform": "AWS",
			"region": "us-east-1",
			"tags": ["production", "sensitive-data"]