Admyral CLI

Admyral CLI

You can leverage Admyral's CLI to manage your workflows and actions from your commandline, within your scripts, or CI/CD pipelines. Enter the following command to for more information while directly interacting with the CLI:

admyral --help

Start and Stop Admyral Locally

Start Admyral locally:

admyral up

Stop Admyral running locally:

admyral down

Push Custom Actions

Push a Python action to Admyral:

admyral action push your_custom_action -a path/to/your/

where your_custom_action is the Python function name and file_path is the path to the Python file where the action is defined.

Secrets Management

Manages secrets in Admyral. Secrets are encrypted values, such as API keys or passwords. See Secrets Management for more information.

List the IDs of all your stored secrets:

admyral secret list

Set a secret stored in Admyral:

admyral secret set secret_name --value key1=value1 --value key2=value2

Delete a secret stored in Admyral:

admyral secret delete secret_name

Workflow Management

In the following, your_workflow_name refers to the name of the workflow Python function and file_path to the path of the Python file where the workflow function is defined.

Activate a specific workflow:

admyral workflow activate your_workflow_name

Deactivate a specific workflow:

admyral workflow deactivate your_workflow_name

Push a workflow to Admyral:

admyral workflow push your_workflow_name -f path/to/your/workflow/
# Optional: Activate the workflow on push
admyral workflow push your_workflow_name -f path/to/your/workflow/ --activate

Trigger the execution of a workflow:

admyral workflow trigger your_workflow_name
# Pass payload as serialized JSON
admyral workflow trigger your_workflow_name --payload '{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}'
# or
admyral workflow trigger your_workflow_name -p '{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}'