Search Users

Search Users (Okta)

Search for users in Okta based on a search query.

For more information on setting up Okta API tokens, see Okta Documentation (opens in a new tab).

SDK Import:

from admyral.actions import okta_search_users


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
Search searchThe search query to filter users.-
Limit limitThe maximum number of users to list. Default: 1000-

Search Examples

The search query supports various properties and operators:

  • Searches many properties:

    • Any user profile property, including custom-defined properties
    • Top-level properties: id, status, created, activated, statusChanged, and lastUpdated
    • User Type accessed as
  • Accepts sortBy and sortOrder parameters:

    • sortBy can be any single property, e.g., sortBy=profile.lastName
    • sortOrder is optional and defaults to ascending
    • sortOrder is ignored if sortBy is not present
    • Users with the same value for the sortBy property will be ordered by id
  • The ne (not equal) operator isn't supported, but you can use lt ... or ... gt instead

Search Term ExampleDescription
status eq "STAGED"Users that have a status of STAGED
lastUpdated gt "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"Users last updated after a specific timestamp
id eq "00u1ero7vZFVEIYLWPBN"Users with a specified id eq "otyfnjfba4ye7pgjB0g4"Users with a specified User Type ID
profile.department eq "Engineering"Users that have a department of Engineering
profile.occupation eq "Leader"Users that have an occupation of Leader
profile.lastName sw "Smi"Users whose lastName starts with Smi


A JSON array of events.

Required Secrets

Secret PlaceholderDescription
OKTA_SECRETOkta secret. See Okta setup

SDK Example

events = okta_search_users(
	search="status eq \"STAGED\"",
	secrets={"OKTA_SECRET": "my_stored_okta_secret"}